Sunday, February 7, 2010

How To Tell The Difference Between Impetigo And Herpes Labialis Impetigo Or Cold Sore (oral Herpes)?

Impetigo or cold sore (oral herpes)? - how to tell the difference between impetigo and herpes labialis

Can someone tell me the difference between impetigo, or herpes labialis (to my knowledge is the VHS)? I have this slap in the face near the mouth of more than 3 weeks, seems to be improving, and is crisp. This happens all the time. It hurts, but it itches soooo bad the whole time. Whitehead began as a button, and I jumped, I would be immediately after cleaning, but I just got on my makeup as usual ..... I do not know, maybe these bacteria causing impetigo may? I've never had a cold sore before, and that this is about 10 weeks last person I kissed. I'm so confused, I went to the doctor, but the day of my appointment, I began to see better and said he did not like the culture and are looking for something, then the next day even worse. argh! Any help would be great, thanks!


Anonymous said...

Impetigo is an infection usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that usually causes the skin. It usually begins as a pustule, which finally crust (colored crusted lesions) with honey. The fires are of herpes simplex and usually begins as a cluster of painful blisters that last about 2 weeks, then back again. The virus remains dormant in nerve cells and can be activated once again at random, usually during stress. Since you had this problem for 3 weeks and has scabs and itching associated with preference for impetigo. His dr. could cleocin t, which give a gel that is applied to the injury, that he makes that very quickly.

TEresa said...

STDromance Google and other information about them. You can also find someone with the same problem!

Good luck

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